- 博登书屋自2020年夏成立以来,针对中国乃至世界当下时事政治、济、文化艺术以及哲学、人文历史等领域,推出一批华语世界具有独立思想和正确价值观的深度学术研究著作,到目前为止已经出版各类书刊达百种以上,其中相当一部分书刊被美大学图书馆,包括哈佛大学、普林斯顿大学、哥伦比亚大学、斯坦福大学、宾夕法尼亚大学、加州大学伯克利分校、密西根大学、华盛顿大学、纽约大学等以及美国国会图书馆收藏,所有出版书刊在亚马逊网站全球发行(除了中国大陆),在华语世界以及在美国和西方主流学术文化界产生广泛影响。
- 当今世界已经是个信息化、全球化的时代,中生代学者视野宽广、思想开放,有独立见解,许多年轻学者更具有挑战权威和批判所谓“学术霸主”的勇气和全新的知识结构,我在他们身上看到了未来中国的希望!博登书屋是华人世界思想者的竞技场,是全球华人思想者竞赛的啦啦队!
当代中国评论期刊官方网站现已开通,了解更多期刊信息,请前往网站 www.chinareview.org 。
追求真相 勿忘历史 纽约博登书屋新书发布会
纽约博登书屋、民间档案馆、中国行动征文编辑委员会于2024年6月28日在纽约城市大学研究生中心举办“追求真相 勿忘历史”新书发布会。
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Preface to the Spring Summer 2024 Issue
David Rong
[Contemporary China Review] International Quarterly in Chinese version and Semi-Annual in English version has been in existence for four years since its inception in 2020. Looking back, with the joint efforts of our editorial colleagues, the Chinese version has been edited and published for 17 issues, and the English version has been published for 4 issues. At present, the Chinese version has been published normally according to the three-month period and four issues a year. The English version was originally planned to be published semi-annually, but it was delayed for a while due to the lack of English translation editors. In the future, it will be published and distributed semi-annually as much as possible. If translation is increased, we will also strive to publish a quarterly four issues a year. It is gratifying that 9 famous American universities including Harvard University, Princeton University, Columbia University, Stanford University, etc. have subscribed to all 17 issues of our magazines and future new publications. In particular, the Chinese University of Hong Kong has also subscribed to all our magazines and future new publications, including many books published by Bouden House. [Contemporary China Review] It can be said that we have achieved today's achievements without any financial support, and it is entirely the voluntary efforts of all our editorial colleagues in the Bouden House. This shows that our efforts have been recognized by American universities and other local universities. This is not only a great encouragement to us, but also a source of pride for all our editorial colleagues!
Similarly, since its establishment in 2020, our Bouden House has published nearly 200 books and periodicals of various kinds, most of which are also widely collected by American university libraries. On February 21 this year, the Bouden House held a grand 2023 Book Award Ceremony in the International Conference Hall of the United Nations Plaza Building in New York, awarding outstanding works and authors published in 2023. Among them, the annual book gold award was Zhang Qianfan's "Three Constitutional Discourses: Liberty, Rule of Law, Democracy", and different book awards were also awarded to Rong Jian, Chen Chun, Xu Zhangrun, Dong Fu, Zhang Lun, Wang Feiling, Liu Yazhou, Wang Hainan and others. While awarding Xu Zhangrun the Best Poetry Collection Award, Bouden House also awarded him the [Backbone of China Award] specially established this year. Mr. Xu Zhangrun has not been afraid of the suppression of the totalitarian regime for many years. In extremely difficult circumstances, he has maintained a firm belief. He is truly as Lu Xun said, "a person who pleads for the people and sacrifices himself for the law. This is the backbone of China." This special issue of the magazine published all the contents of the award ceremony. In the future, Bouden House will continue to work hard, publish good books and introduce outstanding authors, and hold an award ceremony every year. This year, I would like to especially thank a conscientious entrepreneur for sponsoring the prize money of all award-winning authors. I am here to appeal to many of our entrepreneurs again. You should stand up. The Chinese nation has once again reached a critical juncture in history. Your support will be remembered by the people and history forever! On the afternoon of February 21, after the Bouden Award Ceremony, a seminar on the future development of US-China-Taiwan relations after the Taiwan election was held. The participants should be the highest level of public intellectuals, scholars and professors in the eastern United States. Everyone spoke very enthusiastically and had different opinions. The core was that the Taiwan Strait crisis might be the biggest variable in the next few years. The Taiwan issue might be the problem of US-China relations, or it might be related to the core interests of the United States and China. Does a war in the Taiwan Strait mean that there will be a war between the United States and China? This issue includes the articles compiled after their speeches. Please pay attention to the different analyses and answers they gave.
An important feature of [Contemporary China Review] is also what I, the editor-in-chief of this magazine, particularly emphasize, which is the [Scholar’s Monograph] in each issue, which mainly highlights that a certain scholar can have considerable space to make a relatively in-depth and extensive discussion on a specific topic. This issue of the Scholars' Monograph published four articles by Rong Jian criticizing China's "New Left". Rong Jian recently published the first volume of his new book [ The Wrong Path for Century: A Critique to Leftist Communities] at Bouden House. This is the first of his three-volume writing. Rong Jian can be said to be an independent scholar who has made great achievements in the field of ideology and theory in China. In particular, his criticism of Wang Hui's theoretical system and viewpoints [Calling the Soul of Revolution - Comments on Wang Hui's Revolutionary Historical View] (Chinese version to be published by Bouden Books in 2021, English version to be published in 2022) has won wide reputation in the field of ideology and theory, and has also had a considerable impact internationally. Liu Kang, professor of comparative literature theory at Duke University in the United States, commented that Rong Jian is becoming a world-renowned ideological theorist.
This special article specially invited three important articles by Qin Hui, a former professor at Tsinghua University. Professor Qin Hui and Professor Jin Yan are Chinese national treasure-level scholars. The couple has made outstanding contributions in their respective academic fields. Qin Hui is even called an encyclopedic scholar. This time, the couple came to New York and given his speech at the City University of New York. This special issue published his speech with his consent [“Misplaced Issues” in the Exchange of Chinese and Western Thoughts: Starting from the WTO Negotiations]. His other two articles were inspired by Carlson’s interview with Putin. This interview had an extremely bad impact on the world, and it gave Putin a “talk show”, which not only misled many Americans but also misled too many Chinese. Professor Qin Hui used his profound historical knowledge and historical facts to thoroughly refute those statements in Putin’s big deception speech that completely distorted historical facts. It can be said that Putin was criticized thoroughly! I was not only amazed when I read it, but also immediately wrote a comment in my WeChat group: Qin Hui’s article can establish him as the number one historian in China today! It’s a pity that such a good article was quickly blocked on the WeChat public account. At my request, he agreed to publish it in our magazine, which made us very fortunate to allow more readers to share and learn.
Other columns in this issue, China's politics and economy and the commentary on American current affairs, raise considerable questions and analyses about China and the United States at present, especially Professor Yi Fuxian's analysis of China's population problem. His book "Empty Nest of a Great Power" has been removed from the shelves in China, but China's population problem has seriously affected China's future economic development. In the future, it is not a matter of "the rise of a great power" but a question of whether the country will perish and the race will be extinct? Recently, Professor Yi Fuxian's article has been widely published in mainstream media in the United States and attracted widespread attention.
As the Year of 2024 has already gone a half, I sincerely hope and pray for world peace and people to live and work in peace. But looking ahead, I believe the future will still not be peaceful. The Russian- Ukrainian war is still raging, and the people are suffering. The Israeli-Hamas conflict seems to have no signs of stopping, and the US election is surging. As I said before, the three major divisions facing the world are presented at the same time this year: the Russian-Ukrainian war is a major division between the democratic and dictatorial camps, the US election is a major left-right division, and the Israeli-Hamas conflict has surpassed the left-right division and the democracy-dictatorship division. Is the world really heading for doomsday? We wait and see.
In Summer of 2024 in New York
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BY 戴晴
在"八九六四"30周年时,《邓小平在1989》以"未定稿"的状态推出。其时,邓小平、陈 云、李先念、杨尚昆、李鹏,均已挨个儿覆着红旗寿终正寝。5年倏忽,王瑞林、鲍彤等与事的知情者也逐一离去。文件、调查、档案......所有记录 当年事实的一手资料,向公众开放,依旧遥遥无期。连真假参杂的《中国 "六四"真相》(Tiananmen Paper) 作者张良究系何人,也仍云山雾罩 ⸺这一册为不忘平民血溅长街35周年而推出的《邓小平在1989》,依旧还跋涉在"未定稿"的漫漫长途。
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今年是"八九六四"35周 年。35年在历史的长河里不算很长,但是在一个人的人生历程里却是人生道路近半个旅程了! "六四"不仅是我们民族的灾 难,也是每一个有良知的中国人心中永远抹不去的痛!"六四" 更是悬挂在中共头上的一把"达摩克利斯之剑"!35年前,中共突破人类底线,用坦克和子弹屠杀手无寸铁的年轻学生,已经被钉上历史的耻辱柱!35年后,我们依然面对这个当今世界上和人类历史上最没有人性、最残暴的专制政权。今天,我们反思"六四",不能仅仅停留在讨论历史的责任,要总结经验,吸取历史教训。展望未来,共同努力,我们一定会而且一定能够推倒这个泯灭人性的墙!
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BY 王浛旭
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BY 锺闻(zhong Wen)
对中国近现代包括当代中国历史的述评,是一个巨大的历史学工程,锺闻先生《近现代中国历史重识》开了个头。希望年轻一代能够担起这个重任,继续下去,对中国历史上的那些巨变事件,比如"鸦片战争、戊戌变法、辛亥革命、北伐战争、西安 事变"等,重新认识、重新评价,揭开被蒙蔽的历史的重重的迷 雾。让中国近现代历史这个曾经被"任人打扮的小姑娘"再现她的原本的真面目。
对中国近现代包括当代中国历史的述评,是一个巨大的历史学工程,锺闻先生《近现代中国历史重识》开了个头。希望年轻一代能够担起这个重任,继续下去,对中国历史上的那些巨变事件,比如"鸦片战争、戊戌变法、辛亥革命、北伐战争、西安 事变"等,重新认识、重新评价,揭开被蒙蔽的历史的重重的迷 雾。让中国近现代历史这个曾经被"任人打扮的小姑娘"再现她的原本的真面目。
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本书首先在法学研究上,没有单纯地强调理念的变更,抽象概念的阐释,而是立足于具体行政活动方式,区别于传统行政法以行政权力为起点和研究方向的"主轴"模式,本书直接打开行政执法的新模式,通过行政契约理念的充实、契约手段的借用、契约功能的发挥,推动传统行政法的变更。 其次,在理念上,传统行政法以"权力"为中心进行构造,而作为行政行为一种全新方式的行政契约,则强调契约双方的平等性、双方的合意性、自愿服从性、双方的合作以及权利义务的约定性和对等性,为中国大陆行政法改革提供了新的理论资源。 在制度和方式上,通过行政契约与传统权力理念的整合,推动行政法制度创新,诸如确立行政契约与行政权力的转化制度、行政契约制 度、行政协商制度、行政和解制度等。
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BY 责任编辑:楚山孤,杨子立
本书是一本讨伐专制的檄文集。 由"中国行动"、"公民力量"、"民主教育基金会"、"民主中国"、"纵览中国"五 个机构组成征文组委会征集海内外学者作家的文章,经广泛遴选,集腋成裘,汇精入册,广布天下。 当代世界,堪称乱世;当代中国,濒临末世。值此天下汹汹群情焦虑之际,非常之人、非常之思、非常之文、非常之事,如地底岩浆,奔涌勃勃,破土而出。眼前的这本书,就是当代非常之文的荟萃。本书感 受且聆听了中国转型的大潮如天籁般的涛声,应天命而生。 本书作者诸君,笔尊宪政,心怀道统,殚精竭虑,"上穷碧落下黄泉,动手动脚找东西"。这就使其檄文华章经得起历史考验,使之不仅是激情宣泄,更是理性论证;不仅是价值判断,更是事实陈述;旁征博引,举证清晰,逻辑谨严,理据沛然。用数据佐证,以事实说话, 绝非虚蹈高论,徒托空言。 它以个人主义私有产权的名义破除党国垄断国有财产。 它是时代的审判台, 它是历史的宣判书, 它是中国的集结号。
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BY 责任编辑:刘士辉,杨子立
此书为"全民非暴力不合作行动方案"征集文稿的作品集 收录了11篇获奖作品的全文,并摘选了未获奖作品21篇部分内容。从作者的精心写作可以看出,全球有志于民主的华人,对于如何开展非暴力抗争,并以最小代价将中国从专制转型为民主有很高的热情和深入的研究思考。 在中国民主化的历史上,这些经验总结和思考是宝贵的,既可以借鉴来指导将来的非暴力抗争,也为历史上国人进行和平抗争的努力留下了记录。 白纸行动证明,即便在当今这样严酷的独裁暴政之下, 民众以非暴力方式从事抗争仍然是现实的,是可行的。
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BY Qianfan Zhang (张千帆)
In the past two decades, China has endured, together with the rest of the world, two pandemics originating in Guangdong and Wuhan. While the severity and management of these pandemics varied, they both stemmed from the same root cause-the absence of constitutional enforcement and protection of fundamental rights such as freedom of speech and press. In the global village today, especially given China's size and impact, the Chinese constitutional democracy is critical not only for China itself, but also for the whole world.
Largely following China's current (1982) Constitution, this book aims to produce a contemporary "landscape" of Chinese constitutional developments in essentially all major areas. Despite the lack of constitutional enforcement and serious backlashes in recent years, the author believes that the Constitution still matters, as China has achieved significant de facto progress in human rights and the rule of law since its Reform and Opening in 1978. Particularly, increasing number of citizens are becoming aware of their constitutional rights, which they are eager to defend in their interest. Ultimately, the future of China (and the world) depends on the efforts of the people themselves to promote its constitutional reforms and enforcement.
Largely following China's current (1982) Constitution, this book aims to produce a contemporary "landscape" of Chinese constitutional developments in essentially all major areas. Despite the lack of constitutional enforcement and serious backlashes in recent years, the author believes that the Constitution still matters, as China has achieved significant de facto progress in human rights and the rule of law since its Reform and Opening in 1978. Particularly, increasing number of citizens are becoming aware of their constitutional rights, which they are eager to defend in their interest. Ultimately, the future of China (and the world) depends on the efforts of the people themselves to promote its constitutional reforms and enforcement.
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BY 张赋宇
这本小册子的唯一目的,是希望在这乱象纷呈的当下,帮助读者看清这个世界的真面目。当下中国,最重要的是认知并理解现代世界的运行和其诞生。过 去 200 年来甚至未来相当长一段时间,如何迈入现代世界都是中国和中国这类国家面临的最重要的问题。我们虽然都生活"现在",但 不一定都是生活在现代社会。把过去 400 年的历史放入"现代世界" 来观察,其面目就会非常清晰,不仅是中国,也是世界多数国家的历 史。中国和"现代世界"的碰撞发生于 200 年前,之后就持续纠缠,至今不息。所以,看中国的问题,不仅是要把中国放入"世界",更 重要的是放入"现代世界"。 这里很重要一个概念是"现代效应":自由、现代科技和财富的 "三位一体"。这三种因素形成相互关系:有自由才有现代科技,有 现代科技才有财富。科技站在自由一边,而财富则站在科技一边。这里的自由包含三个层面--政治自由、言论自由和经济自由。
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BY 夏明
在我过去四十多年的学术人生中,我已经以中、英文分别发表了各近百万字的作品,但《政治维纳斯》是我政治和学术思想演变历程中的重要里程碑。我很高兴我在本书的努力得到了前辈余英时、杨力 宇、邝治中、严家祺老师们的肯定和鼓励,也得到诸多好友的支持和赞誉。 可惜,这本书流通非常有限,而其中的原因又非常复杂。《政治维纳斯》首先是写给大陆中国人看的,而本书完成时,香港还是最有效影响内地的中文出版中心。为了能够贴近中国民主化进程,我决定 自筹资金在香港出版本书。2012 年《政治维纳斯》在香港由晨钟书局以繁体字出版,但第二年书局的出版人姚文田先生就被中共大陆当局以莫须有的罪名抓捕,随后深圳法院将古稀之年的姚先生投入大牢达十年之久。书局被封被毁,我的书基本也没有卖出几本。与此同时,香港的出版、言论自由急剧萎缩,库存的几百本书成为政治定时炸弹。尽管我几经努力,委托朋友在香港帮忙挽救,但最终我的书也难逃厄运,很快都被送进造纸厂化为纸浆。 十二年过后,支持我的余英时、杨力宇和邝治中先生都已作古, 留下未能踏上民主中国土地的遗憾。但我更强烈地感到,中国跨过民主化门槛的时机已经降临。正值中国面临大分化、大动荡、大变革的复杂历史关头,我对中共专制体制和中国民主路径的分析因为具有前瞻意识,今天不仅没有被证伪,而且我的理论也没有过时,对当下中国政治发展仍然具有现实意义。为此,我再次以简体字刊印《政治维纳斯》,希望在二十一世纪,我心目中的政治维纳斯-民主-能够降临东方大地,最终造福那里期盼生命尊严、渴望自由呼吸的人民。
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BY 向承鉴
在我过去四十多年的学术人生中,我已经以中、英文分别发表了各近百万字的作品,但《政治维纳斯》是我政治和学术思想演变历程中的重要里程碑。我很高兴我在本书的努力得到了前辈余英时、杨力 宇、邝治中、严家祺老师们的肯定和鼓励,也得到诸多好友的支持和赞誉。 可惜,这本书流通非常有限,而其中的原因又非常复杂。《政治维纳斯》首先是写给大陆中国人看的,而本书完成时,香港还是最有效影响内地的中文出版中心。为了能够贴近中国民主化进程,我决定 自筹资金在香港出版本书。2012 年《政治维纳斯》在香港由晨钟书局以繁体字出版,但第二年书局的出版人姚文田先生就被中共大陆当局以莫须有的罪名抓捕,随后深圳法院将古稀之年的姚先生投入大牢达十年之久。书局被封被毁,我的书基本也没有卖出几本。与此同时,香港的出版、言论自由急剧萎缩,库存的几百本书成为政治定时炸弹。尽管我几经努力,委托朋友在香港帮忙挽救,但最终我的书也难逃厄运,很快都被送进造纸厂化为纸浆。 十二年过后,支持我的余英时、杨力宇和邝治中先生都已作古, 留下未能踏上民主中国土地的遗憾。但我更强烈地感到,中国跨过民主化门槛的时机已经降临。正值中国面临大分化、大动荡、大变革的复杂历史关头,我对中共专制体制和中国民主路径的分析因为具有前瞻意识,今天不仅没有被证伪,而且我的理论也没有过时,对当下中国政治发展仍然具有现实意义。为此,我再次以简体字刊印《政治维纳斯》,希望在二十一世纪,我心目中的政治维纳斯-民主-能够降临东方大地,最终造福那里期盼生命尊严、渴望自由呼吸的人民。
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Phoenix Instructions
BY 钱辰昌
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BY 徐泽荣 编著
本书第一部分《惊察五四百年造假》13篇,由于苏联档案的出现,乃为首部全面颠覆国中左派奉为圭臬的五四三段一体概念的著作。三段,依照时间顺序,第一段是推广民主主义运动,第二段是狭义五四运动本身,第三阶段是推广马列主义运动。必须将这三段互相剥离。第一段欲将人类社会普适价值移植中国,乃属至善。本书第二部分《国共涉苏兵史钩沉》19篇,有14篇和"苏俄武力娩黄俄" 直接有关,五篇则为间接有关。任何有关1919年至1949年这40年的中共全域史的著述,以及好些中共个域史的著述,不管是海峡哪岸、华洋何方、名家谁人、官府啥部所写,脱离了"文武俄力娩黄俄"这一主线,便都属瞎子点灯⸺白费蜡,只有资料价值。 笔者认为,中国发展今后应该重新沿着第一段的运行轨道,从头再来。 国中政党,无一不可成为议会党团,轮流执政。消除剥削,不在于以公有制颠 覆劳资互为依存,而在于以民主制切割威权勾结资本。改弦更张完全可以带来不算旧账。中共以往为国扭转对于西方军事颓势、经济颓势、科技颓势,立有乾坤再造大功,应予肯定。惟须再接再厉扭转政制颓势、创新颓势,还政于民,益智全球,方可初心修成正果,得大自在。 为了达成此一目的,笔者主张不打不成交的中美两国先经"中美协调" (联想"欧洲协调""欧洲联盟"),再图中美邦联,终谋中美联邦。这不仅是为了达至华夏自由民主谋,而且是为了塑造华夏创新基因谋。仅有民主自由, 没有创新基因,只会模仿的华夏文明仍然避免不了衰亡命运。
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BY 徐泽荣
政治哲学家约翰-洛克认为,创立政治社会的目的是为了更好保护私有财产。在这种前提下,社会公认价值优先次序必是私产在前政府在后,私有财产独立于世而非附属政府。作为社会科学家,徐泽荣氏于狱发现,交换价值乃是可被三种检验逻辑证明,实质乃为效用价值, 绝非古典经济学、马克思主义第一定理坚称的劳动价值。 从此,论点"剥削来自权力勾结资本而非私有财产本身"便 从哲学观点上升成为科学观点。这是牛津大学前后校友 (基督教堂vs圣安东尼)心有灵犀的一脉通灵。本书作者反复地、简明地阐述了科学证非劳动价值要 义,正文共计90篇大多联系实际地、通俗易懂地阐述了这些道理。港台、西方崇尚哈耶克学说的人,其实并不明白马克思公有制思想、实践的巨大危害,所以一向忽视对于官僚资本主义2.4的批判、扫除。巴西总统米莱所称的均益主 义(原译集体主义,不对)对比马克思公有制,危害性简直是小巫见大巫。徐氏建议,说服威权废黜威权属公有制、威权属私有制,相对说服威权服膺、创立民主制来说,较为容 易,更为迫切。开明官僚、志士仁人应当择易先进!
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Contemporary China Review was published by Bouden House in New York. A group of Chinese intellectuals have courageously stepped forward to overcome all difficulties and publish an independent periodical that seeks to discuss important issues relating to China openly and honestly.